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LÈA HENNINO, born in 1991, is recognized as one of the most promising artists of her generation. He studied at the National Superior Conservatory of Music in Paris (CNSM) where he trained with Sabine Toutain, director of the French National Orchestra. Through an exchange program he studied for a year at the Geneva Conservatory with the Japanese violinist Nobuko Imail. Since September 2014 Lèa has been studying a postgraduate degree as a soloist at the Zurich Hochschule der Kunste with the English violist Lawrence Power. In 2010, Lèa won the first prize from the Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe, the second prize from the National Competition for Young Violists and the third prize at the International Competition at the German Wolfgang Marschner International Competition. His original and sensitive musical style has also helped him win the first prize and the SACEM at the 2010 European Competition for Young Soloists in Luxembourg. Being passionate about chamber music, she has participated in different festivals such as the Landauer Meisterkonzerte, the Besançon Chamber Music Festival, the Groba Festival, the Saint-Paul de Vence Chamber Music Festival, in the Pâques d'Aix Festival in Provence, Moments Musicaux de la Baule, Les Nuits du Mont Rome, Deauville Festival, Cordes sur ciel, EMCY Stars of Tomorow Tour, Fränkische Musiktage Alzenau, les Classiques du Prieuré or the Young Music Festival Chamber of Norway. In 2014 he participated in a European tour (France, Denmark, Austria, Spain) with Mozart's string quintet, with Renaud Capucon, Clemens Hagen, Alina Ibragimova and Gérard Caussé. Recently, he has shared the stage with other renowned artists such as the Modigliani quartet, Boris Garlitsky, Nicholas Angelich, Renauld Capuçon, Paul Biss, Lars Anders Tomter, Gerard Caussé, Midori Goto, Torleif Thedéen as well as young soloists such as Edgar Moreau, Dami Kim, Valeriy Sokolov or Alina Pogotskina. He has performed as a soloist at The Esther Concerts, at the Edvard Grieg Festival in Bergen, at the Méridienne in Rouen, at the Young Talent Festival and with the Norwegian youth chamber group. Currently Lèa plays with a viola made by the famous French luthier Charles Coquet.

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Vigo Conservatory of Music

Manuel Olivié Street, 23. 36203, Vigo.

Phone: 986 471 144

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